Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Man and God

All men and women are born with the concept of God. Many different kinds of studies: anthropological, psychological, historical, religious... have shown that, since time immemorial, the concept of God has been deeply interwoven in human nature. Indeed, the concept of God is quite indispensable to man. Consciously or unconsciously, he is compelled to give this concept the central position in his life. Even apparent atheists, when faced with some crisis, spontaneously call out to God. In this matter, there is no known exception. Man requires a proper goal for his activities in order that he may continue his journey through life with satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. At the same time, being an explanation-seeking animal, he seeks to explain his existence and the world around him. But, owing to his limitations, he feels helpless. Unaided, he can neither set himself the correct goals, nor can he fathom the meaning of human life. It is only by accepting a limitless Being such as God that this feeling of helplessness can be overcome. As experience has shown, most men and women live lives of largely unfulfilled desires. It is God alone who can give any ray of hope for their fulfillment, just as it is God alone who can give man the correct objectives. Perhaps the most important thing that God gives man is conviction. Man, owing to his peculiar nature, wants to lead his life with the courage of conviction and there is no other source of this conviction save God. As studies have shown, all men and women believe in God in one way or the other. Now the question arises as to why these believers in God do not arrive at the result they expect from their 'belief. Why even 'so-called' believers in God are deprived of divine inspiration? Why are people who put up plaques in their houses saying, "In God we Trust", deprived of God's blessing?? Why do people who seemingly trust in God not receive His blessings in the real sense? This is because these 'so-called' believers in God have not been able to establish a genuine 'communion' with Him. Therefore, despite their belief in God, people's lives are sadly lacking in divine blessings. This is the problem facing all men and women. Ever}7 man and woman believes, ideologically, in one god or the other. But so far as the result of such belief is concerned, it is not forthcoming. Every individual, from his own personal experience can understand that this problem is not one of lack of belief but rather of an absence of any outcome of belief in God. This is a universal truth, which anyone can understand just by taking stock of the events of his own life. There could be only one possible reason for this gap between faith and the result of faith. And that is, the so-called believer maybe worshipping some non-god in the name of God. In such a case it is but natural that, in spite of believing in some god, he or she will not receive the result of belief. The reason for this is that people usually associate themselves with some non-God or the other. Although they utter such words as, 'We believe in God", in practice they have made themselves subservient to some non-deity. There are times, when some living or dead human being is placed upon the pedestal of divinity, while at other times the concepts of a sun-god or a moon-god become prevalent. Some, under the influence of humanism, have accorded the seat of God to man -what is called 'transfer of the seat from God to man'. Others have placed the 'law of nature' as an alternative to God, while yet others believe that God is in Everything including man and that we just have to make contact with our inner personality-to-receive God's blessings. Still others believe in the monistic concept of God, according to which God is a vague spirit, rather than a Being with whom contact may be established. We can understand this gap between faith and the result of faith through the following example. If you misdial a number that does not exist on your telephone, you will very likely hear this recorded voice from the telephone office: "This number does not exist." This is exactly what is happening with people as regards to their faith in God. People are calling upon such beings, in the name of God, as have no existence in reality. That is why their call receives the answer: "This god does not exist."

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