Monday, January 27, 2014
Muslims are the people that believe in Allah [S.W.T] as the only God and believe in prophet Muhammad [S.A.W] as His messenger. They are the ones that have Islam as their only religion and Qur’an as their only book and they belief in six articles of faith. Muslims are also the ones that beliefs that one day, everyone will be resurrected on how he or she spent his/her life.
A role model is a person that people p look up to and follow his/her footsteps. Muslims are the role model of the society because they are the one that adheres to the truth; they are embodiment of good characters and virtues. Real Muslims who follows the injunctions of the Sunnah and the holy book are not corrupt leaders, they are not thieves and they have great mission and vision in life.
Muslims are the ones that fulfill their promises, they follow the Quran and Sunnah .They consult the knowledgeable ones when they are not clear of something.
Muslims do not lose hope in hard times because they believe that everything is a test from Allah(S.W.T).Muslims serves as role models because they are optimistic even if the eye of the storm and they also believe in Allah (S.W.T) the lord of universe, there is none like him as said in Ayatu-kursiyy and whosoever believe sincerely in Allah (S.W.T) would have no cause to regret rather they would have no cause to regret rather they would succeed in this world and the hereafter.
Muslims are brave ,optimistic and patriotic. They remember Allah at all times because of the prophet’s saying; Fear Allah wherever you are.
Muslims are also role models because they are the ones that are morally sound ,imaginative ,fair to all concerned ,emotionally mature, they are obedient to both young ones and adult ,they do not spend lavishly, they are creative, they make things on their own , they are not dependant on anybody. They depend on Allah alon
Muslims are also role models because they are studious, they are organized i.e they have plan and focus in life .Muslims are expressive , they express themselves though in good manners with speech and writing for others to know what they feel, and to convince others with the truth.
Muslims are also energetic and mentally keen but they use their energy to fight in the cause of Allah. They fight on a just course. Muslims are decisive , they make the correct and right decisions to do things that meaningful, they are also initiative in the correct way and manner.
Muslims are highly spiritual , they do not get carried away by worldly gains or affairs . They pray to Allah fervently to grant them Al-jannah firdaus because there is far more better than this life. They keep saying “Rabbana atina fi dunya asanata wa fil aakhirati aasanata wa kina adhaba naar.
They also use to pray to Allah to save them from the punishment of the grave and hell fire because the punishment therein are very severe .Muslims believe that everything in life will vanish and only Allah will remain.
Muslims are instruction minded and are reliable. They can be relied on for information’s and they assist people whenever the need arises. Muslims are not arrogant, they correct their mistakes and fault when detected and ask Allah for forgiveness.
Muslims are also the scientists of today they are found in areas of academic pursuit they are the first class citizens of a country they are the historians and business-managers of today they do not collect bribes and they do not embezzle the country money.
Muslims are the ones that avoid the disruption of a country. Muslims are also the responsible ones, that is why they are assigned with the responsibility to discharge duties.
Islam is the total submission to infinite will of Allah (SWT) the absolute. It is to worship Him and to obey all his commandments without reluctance. Islam entails each and every aspect of life from religious to societal, spiritual, and moral it describes in exact words how a believer should his/her life. A muslim therefore is anyone who follows and obeys the rule of Allah and act in accordance to his prescribed way of life.
A muslim is a person of high and distinguished moral characters, excellent academic performances and supreme spiritual prowess. A Muslim, by all means is a person of high esteem both within his immediate surroundings and the society at large. A person wielding such magnificent characters is to be regarded as their reformer and role model of the society.
A role model can be defined as an experienced person who gives advice to those who are less experienced. He or she is a person whose behavior is a good example for others to follow. Such honour and prestige of being a role model can only be given to a person of good conduct and an amazing personality.
A muslim is also the definition of a role-model because he/she possesses every qualities required from a role model.
A muslim as the role model in the society would mean perfection in the society. There would be peace, indiscipline would be rare or at low pedestal, morals would become life styles. We may want to judge from a spiritual angle, but we cannot be precise that the society would become an Islamic one were only believers dwell. Nevertheless, there are more transforming activities that would occur if a muslim was the role-model in the society. Everyone would want to copy him/her in his/her exact behaviour, leaning no room for double about him. We may want to think that the being a role model, always being watched and looked upon for advice might be a lot of pressure. But not for the muslim. This knowledge of Islamic principle and his belief in Allah, the only God is certainly enough for him to cope. This emulation of the prophet (SAW) and his rightly guided caliphs makes his interactions with the society easy. We can only but imagine the serene that a great many of our youths prefer musicians, actors and Rebels over genuine scholars who are worthy of such honour of being role-models.
The muslim as role model in the society, would bring an end to social vices, moral decadence, academic failure, spiritual weakness. It would mean the beginning of enliven new era of excellence. We can only hope that one day, perhaps the dignified personality of a Muslim would become the sole role-model in the society.
‘’Indeed, in the messenger of Allah (Muhammad S.A.W), you have a good model to follow, for him who hopes for the meeting with Allah and the last day, and remembers Allah much”. (q 33 : 21). The verse above shows the importance of a model in the life of a man most especially the Muslim and that is why Allah gave us a model, the Prophet (S.A.W) as guidance.
Firstly, it is necessary to understand the in-depth meaning of the two keywords in the topic: “Muslim” and “Role model”. So who is a MUSLIM? A Muslim is a spiritual name gotten from Islam, it means one who practice Islam and Islam is gotten from SALAM, Salam means PEACE, Islam means the religion of peace. A Muslim is a person who believes in almighty Allah as the only God that He begets not nor was He begotten, as his creator and Alpha and Omega of heavens and earth.
The second word, “Model” is a special word. It deals with heart to heart relationship, relationship of passion, love and respect. It deals with willing decision by someone to choose a person as someone he wishes to be like. A model is a person who has gone through the same experience the someone is going through and the former aspires to be like the latter. Also, according to Longman dictionary of contemporary English, it is defined as: “to try to be like someone because you admire him”. A model is a person who has the power to influnce your belief and changes your thought.
The Prophet (S.A.W) is a typical example of a Muslim who is a model. During the Prophet’s da’wah in Makkah, most people who accepted Islam did not accept it because they listened and understood the message of the Prophet; rather they were touched by his noble behaviour and his divine speech. He was indeed a legend and a man of honour.
Such should be the life of a Muslim as a role model. A Muslim should be a model in everywhere he finds himself. He should be able to change people, invite them to Islam with his behaviour. Da’wah is an important part of Islam, and it is not necessarily by taking, begging or going house-to-house to call people but the most essential thing is ones’ behaviour. He should be able to influence people with his behaviour. People will learn more about Islam because real Islam is already proved in his behaviour and that is why Allah said in Qur’an 2:44 that “You command people with good and you are not doing it yourselves and unto you was revealed the Book, don’t you have thinking.”
A Model-Muslim should be brave, bold and courageous. A Muslim should read his book and face his studies so as to acquire knowledge that will enhance his personality and belief that with sincerity and true faith in Allah, everything can be accomplished. He should be humble, respect everyone both the young and old.
A Muslim should persevere as a role model and also be patient so that he can gain paradise most especially in the world of today where Muslims are seen as terrorists as the Prophet faced more challenges during his lifetime yet he persevered and was patient.
The above were the qualities of the prophet and the qualities of the Muslim as a model. The scientists who are not Muslims admitted online that the most influential man that has ever lived is Muhammad (S.A.W), our Prophet and model.
History will always be the best answer any challenges that face a Muslim. Not only just history but the history of the Prophets of Allah who with all their hearts worship Allah and with what Allah had given them. Therefore, for anyone to be a role model you must choose from one of them or best of them all.
Thus Allah says:
“Indeed in the messenger of Allah Muhammad (S.A.W) you have a good example to follow, for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the last day and remember Allah much” (33:21).
To hit the nail on the head, the personnel who thinks he is a role model must have the detailed features in his personality.
First, the person must know who a role model is. The role model who is a Muslim must have the faith in Allah and have what people admire in a person and they try to copy. A Muslim who claims to be a role model and does not know this can never be the rightful person to be called a Muslim role model.
Second, the Muslim must be a knowledgeable person. The Prophet (S.A.W) is the most knowledgeable of all mankind who ever lived yet he was amongst the unlettered the world ever recorded. A Muslim as a role model must be able to vaunt of an unbeatable knowledge of what is going on around the whole wide world.
Third, a Muslim role model should an erudite teacher. The role model should be able to boast of knowledge then disseminate that knowledge to the people. He must not be rapacious in nature with his knowledge. Note that being successful is wonderful but being significant is even better. To live in the heart of the people is to never die. The Muslim scholar, JalaluddinAr-Rumi said:
“After our death, do not search for us in the tombs of the graveyards of the world, but search for us in the hearts of the people we have inspired.”
Therefore, before a Muslim can claim to be a role model, he must have taught people and inspire them positively.
Moreover, He should call people to good and turn them away from evil. He brings people from the depth of darkness into light. It takes tremendous courage to be “YOU-NIQUE”. The Prophet was unique among the Arabian people; he stood out among all odds and with his inculpable character brought people from mendacity to veracity. Allah says in Qur’an 62:2
“It is He who has sent amongst the unlettered, a Messenger from among themselves, to rehearse to them His signs, to purify them and to instruct them in the Book and Wisdom, although they had been, before a manifest error.”
In addition, this is the issue of a role model and a mentor. The plenary role model has things that people emulate in him and a mentor advice and guide people on how to achieve greater heights in life. He must combine the two characters before you can become an ideal Muslim role model.
In conclusion, it is an overstatement to say emphatically that no Muslim can be a role model except the Prophet (S.A.W) is his/her role model. All in all, a Muslim as a role model must be able to make people desire his company at any time of his absence, he must be able to guide, teach and instruct people on the right way of doing things and paramount, he must have faith in Allah and follow Muhammad (S.A.W).
The muslim as arole model in the society
After my deep thought about the muslim world, I realised we have thrown away our moral value in a bid to be “civilized.” We have sold our Islamic heritage in the quest of being c modernised,we on a daily basis , are gradually moving near “shirk” thinking we are getting westernised.
A role model is a person you admire to copy . A role model should be a person you are trying to emulate his character. Muslims are meant to be role model to the society in a positive way . we should try to imbibe the behaviour of noble prophet Muhammad (SAW) ,we should not tread the path of immorality but that of morality, modesty and all virtues.
In the world today, we Muslims must stand up and uphold the tenet of Islam because the world is coming to an end gradually and immorality are becoming the order of the day.
The female folks have thrown away the modesty bestowed on them by Almighty Allah. In Qur’an 24 verse 31 Allah says: “That they should draw their veils over their bosoms”. But now we have all sorts of hijabs, those that barely cover the neck ,those that exposes the bosom and all of that. The women now have taken to wearing of men clothes claiming that it is the latest trend and ‘fashion’. Whereas, fashion is defined by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English as “something that is popular or thought to be good at a particular time. At this particular time the vogue of a woman are armlesstops , back straps, spaghettitops and so on are what we call ‘fashion clothes’ that turn young men to fornicators clothes that turn married men to adulterers . Thistrend have destroyed many happy homes, have made many women being chased out of their matrimonial homes, have made many children out of wedlock, disillusioning their future .Allah says in Qur’an 33 verse 59 “ Oh prophet ! tell thy wives and daughters , and the believing women , that they should cast their garments over their persons (when out of door); that is most convenient , that they should be known (as such) ; and not molested. And Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful.” The men have taken to act like women all in the name of ‘latest fashion.’ They now wear earring like women, plait their hair in a way even women cannot imagine, they wear tattered clothes and call it style .
As muslims, our duty is to stand up against the abnormalities that have beclouded the world and cure this ill stricken epidemic disease that people call.“fashion”. We muslimshave to concave the stupidity and menace of world. The musilms should not be the ones propagating evil, instead, we should be conquerors and not the conquered.
As Muslims, we have our lives to live. Nobody will surely live it for us. We must always remember we are Muslims before any other thing-work, family etc. therefore we have to be Vanguards of Islam because our lives are pertinent to our hereafter. We have to be ambassadors of Islam.
As role models of Islam, we have to seriously be cautioned from imitating other people outside our faith “ISLAM”. This is because of the difference in value orientation. If we do what others do without first asking what implication it has on Islam, we may unconsciously be sinning against our creator.
Every society is comprised of people of varying culture, religion, belief and values. The one person that should stand out and be a role-model to others is a Muslim.
A Muslim is one who adheres strictly to the total submission to the will of Allah in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah. Also, a role model is that person who people admire and willing to follow in his doings, behaviour which are in conformity with the principles of Al-Islaam.
It is well known that the Muslim individual is the practical model of Islaam in all it various aspects - ideology, worship and characters. The society of today is a confirmation of the prophet’s (SAW) prophecy. There are too many vices in the society today. The laws of the society are manmade laws, indecent dressing is the order of the day, uncultured and uncensored movies and music are on display for all, dishonesty, deception, and exploitations among others are rampant. Every individual desires goodness but not all have the capacity to be good. Just like there are models of evil deeds so also there have to be models for goodness. The only model is a Muslim. The Muslim model is well grounded in the laws of Allah with which he lives. He has uncommon moral behaviours like honesty, truthfulness, kindness, mercy, fairness and justice which are obvious in his character. It is desirable to have the model Muslim in whatever position we can think of in the society, be it in the family as a father, mother, husband, wife, son or a daughter or places in the society as teacher, student, Doctor worker or trader, or his place in the organization as the leader.
There is one general fundamental character the Muslim role model possesses which is Aqeedah (faith in Allah). The faith in the oneness of Allah (SWT) is pure and devoid of any form of evil. He is the one known for drawing himself closer to Allah through supererogatory prayers like Tahajjud, fasting and constant remembrance of Allah always. He avoids gambling and transaction in Riba. He acquires wealth through lawful means in Islamic economic system. He spends and endeavours to consume foods, wear clothes and purchase products of Islamic countries. A Muslim role model pays zakat and advance a portion of his wealth for Da’wah. He refrains from committing minor sins as well as major sins. He avoids everything ambiguous (Shubuhaat) so that he will not fall into Haaram. He is constant in doing tawbah and istigfaar. He devotes an hour every night before he sleeps for self-evaluation as regards the good or bad things he has done (during the day) and he is conscious of his time at all situations. The collective work aimed at realizing the goals and fundamentals of Islaam are also his concern. It is pertinent that the Muslim role model in an organization is convinced about the necessity of work towards establishing Islamic states.
One of the most emphasized of all the prophet teachings is being good to people “A person is not a believer who fill his stomach while his neighbour is hungry” The best of neighbours in the sight of Allah is the best towards his or her neighbour. “And help one another to do what is right and good, do not help one another towards sin and aggression (Q5:2). The duty of the Muslims role model is to work for the common good not only with fellow Muslim but all those in society with whom they share a common goal.
The present society in which we find ourselves is in a state of complete dilemma. Our youth are no more what they should be. Most people in the society have got nobody to guide them on how to go about their lives and this has gone a long way in demoralizing the society.
To be cured of this odious ailment, very versatile vicegerents are needed to reform or make people follow their footsteps so as to make the society an enjoyable and trouble-free one. The society needs emotionally mature people to serve as role-models to others, but a role-model is someone whose behaviours and attitudes, people try to copy because they admire them and see sense in their ways of life and this role model should be a Muslim. A muslim is someone whose religion, beliefs and behaviours is that of the blessed religion of Islam.
A muslim being a role-model in the society should have all the qualities required of him. He should be a role model that has the best of characters and enjoins good and for bids evil as described by Allah in the Quran “You muslims are real followers of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), are the best of people eve raised up for mankind, you enjoin all that has been ordained by Islam and forbid all that has been forbiden.”
A muslim that wants to be a role model should take after the glorious prophet Muhammad (SAW) as in him are the best of characters as said by Allah in the Qur’an “And verity, you (O Muhammad (SAW) are on an extoled (standard of ) characters”
A muslim as a role model must be morally sound in the sense that he should not be a person that has any default in any moral aspect of life, in terms of behaviours and discipline. He should try to relate with people with patience peace and perseverance y being a gracious great guide so as to make people see reason in making him their role model.
He should also be organized in the sense that he does things according to protocols so as to be emulated by others.
He must also be a sanguine seasoned scholar so that he would be able to assist people in time of religious or educational need. This feature qualifies him at being a role-model.
He should be emotionally mature in sense, thatis he can control his emotions both sad and depressed so that he too would be able to influence others positively and make them see reasons in making him their mentor.
He must also be merciful to both young and old as the prophet (SAW) said? “He is not one of us, he who does not respect the elders and show mercy to the young ones”
In conclusion, all the above qualities surely, would make a muslim the number one role- model and in the society and everybody would aspire be like this muslim, the society would be at it’s very best and would be an enjoyable one for .
Islam is the total submission to infinte will of Allah (SWT) the absolute. It is to worship Him and to obey all his commandments without reluctance. Islam entails each and every aspect of life from religious to societal, spiritual, and moral it describes in exact words how a believer should his/her life. A muslim therefore is anyone who follows and obeys the rule of Allah and act in accordance to his prescribed way of life.
A muslim is a person of high and distinguished moral characters, excellent academic performances and supreme spiritual prowess. A muslim, by all means is a person of high esteem both within his immaditecourrandings at the society at larges. A person wielding such magnificent characters is to be regarded as their reformer and role model of the society.
A role model can be defined as an experienced person who gives advice to those who are less experienced. He or she is a person whose behavior is a good example for others to follow. Such honour and prestige of being a role model can only be given to a person of good conduct and an amazing personality.
A muslim is also the definition of a role-model because he/she possesses aule qualities required from a role model.
A muslim as the role model in the society would mean perfection in the society. There would be peace, indiscipline would be sare, morals would become life styles. We may want to judge from a spiritual angle, but we cannot be precise that the society would become an Islamic one were only believers dwell. Nevertheless, there are more transforming activities that would occur if a muslim was the role-model in the society. Everyone would want to copy himllor in his/her exact behavour, leaning no room for double about him. We may want to think that the being a role model, always being watched and looked upon for advice might be a lot of pressure. But not for the muslim. This knowledge of Islamic principle and his belief in Allah, the only God is certainly enough for him to cope. This emulation of the prophet (SAW) and his rightly guided caliphs makes his interactions with the society easy. We can only but imagine the severe that a great many of our youths prefer musicians, actors and Rebels over gerinme scholars who are worthy of such homor of being role-models.
The muslims as role model in the society, would bing an end to social vices, moral decadence, academic failure, spiritual weakness. It would mean the beginning of enhive new era of excellence. We can only hope that one day, perhaps the dignitied personality of a Muslim would become the sole role-model in the society
What is a society? Who is a Muslim? And who is a role model?
A Muslim is a person that believes in Allah, Prophet, Angels, His books, the Last day, and destiny. He is also a person that performs Hajj and pay Zakat.
A role model is a person whose behaviour and attitude is worthy enough for people to emulate.
A society is a particular place in where people live together and share common goal. It can also be defined as a group of people who come together for a particular purpose.
For a Muslim to be a role model in the society, some responsibilities are expected of him. They are; Must be knowledgeable, and have good behaviours.
First, the Muslim as a role model in the society must have a good dealings with Allah, with Messenger and finally with the society.
He (the muslim as a role model in the society) should have good manners with Allah the most High, and he portrays good character. From good character with Allah, he must listen to Allah’s word, acts according to it and stays away from Allah ‘s prohibitions. He is expected to fast in the month of Ramadan, giving the zakah.
The Muslim as a role model in the society is not expected to have good character with Allah alone only, as well as the good character with the messenger of Allah. He is expected to act to the sunnah and follow his deeds and his statements. The muslim as a role model in the society in the society should also fill his hearts with his love and the love of learning about his noble characteristics.
The next set of people that the muslim as a role model in the society to have good characters with is the society. He should always work with the people in the society with goodness. A role model in the society should exhibit happiness and glee when some blessing and goodness happens to the people in the society. He should refrain from harming the people in the society. Rather he should show them mercy and kindness.
Second, the muslim as a role model in the society must be knowledgeable. He should know that seeking knowledge is compulsory. He should teach the people in the society what he knows.
The prophet (SAW) said:
“seeking knowledge is compulsory on both muslim male and female”. The prophet also said:
“Seek knowledge from cradle to grave”
Muslim as a role model in the society should also advise the people in the society, about the words of Allah, that is the Qur’an, the words of the prophet, that his the hadiths. And also, the muslim as a role model in the society should know that he should teach his people the society the sunnah of the prophet, his good deeds etc.
All these factors are very important for a muslim as a role model in the society to have in other to guide his people in the right path.
A role model is a person whose character and behaviour are worthy of emulation. A muslim is a person who believe in Allah follow all the commandments of Allah and the tradition of the people. He is the only person that is worthy of emulation. A muslim who is worth emulating will possess the qualities like truthfulness honesty, sincerity, good disposition to others, always ready to help others. All in all a true muslimmust be ready to defend Islam
It was said in a saying that the Muslims are the vicegerent of God (Allah) in the world. Going by this sayings, it is naturally believed that a muslim is a role model to the society, to the world.
The prophet (PRUH) is an example of a muslim who is a role model to the World. Allah said in Q33 Vs 21 that Prophet Muhammad is the best person in this world we can emulate and this prophet was a muslim. His life was full of simplicity and piety. He did not trap riches andmisuse power. He used to eat simple food and wear simple dress. He was very patient and he persevered a lot.
When he was an orphan at a tender age, he exercised patience. At the age of 40, when he was called to prophethood, he faced many persecutions from the Arabs but he exercised patience. He also possess wisdom to know when to exercise patience and wait for the right moment or when to take bold steps or actions. When the Quraysh were rebuilding the Ka’abah, they could not agree on who should have the honour of replacing the black stone in ka’abah’s wall. They decided that whoever at that time comes in would decide for them, luckily, it was Muhammad.
The kind nature of the prophet made him dear to young and old, men and women, rich and poor. To the extent that while on salat, if he hears the voice of any child crying he will shorten the prayer so that the parent will be able to comfort his/her child. It was reported by one of the companions of the prophet (PBUH) Anas that the prophet (pbuh) did not abuse or scold him for one, ever since he had been living with him.
The prophet was known for his honesty and truthfulness Onwing to this honest character, he was nicknamed the trustworthy (Al-Amin). He understood that justice without fear or favour is the foundation of successful administration.
Non-Muslim Historians wrote books and commented on prophet Muhammad’s courage. He was called “the greatest man who ever lived”
The prophet’s nature was to love all creatures and to show mercy to all. The Quran says “we sent you not to them but as a mercy to all mankinds”
The prophet with his modelled manners, he was very modest, always doing good and smiled always. He even said in one of his saying that
“A smile in the face of your brother is a charity”
Prophet Muhammad was recognized during his life time as a perfect model for others to emulate. His characters was so perfect that it shines out in every setting. The deeds and the words of the prophet (pbuh) show that he was fully guided and inspired by God as a model of human goodness, such is the character of a muslim worthy of emulation in the society.
The world today is full of corruption. Today all institutions, establishments, organizations, schools, banks etc. are full of corruption except those ones which are established based on taqwallah. The world without Muslims is nothing to write home about.
The only solution to the vices and corruption in the society today is Islam and Muslims. Allah SWT said in Qur’an 5 verse 3. ‘ … This Day have I perfected your Religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam As your religion…’ This shows that Allah has perfected for the Muslims pure religion (Islam) and has completed all His favours upon us and He Allah has chosen for the Muslims Islam as our religion.
Muslims are role models anywhere in the world. There is no discovery on earth that will not pass through the Muslims. A lot of scientific facts are discovered by Muslims. Muslim scientist like Al khawarizm, who wrote a book called Al-Jabir Walmuqabalah for algebraic work. IbnHaytham discovered and developed camera which is widely in use today. Al-Khazinisl Al- Birooni determined density by the use of aerometer. IbnSinna wrote a book titled ‘Canon’ which treated embryology and so on.
The earlier Muslims have made a meaningful contribution to the discipline of Mathematics which is the major determinant of success today. Muslims will always be role models to the society because they live according to the Divine Manual and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). Muslims today should also let Qur’an be their guide if they want to be role models to the universe as Allah describe them in Qur’an thus
‘You [true believers In Islâmic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah (legal ways, etc.)] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; You Enjoin Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and All that Islâm has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and All that Islâm has forbidden), and You believe In Allâh’(3:110)
Muslims are models because they have the zeal to always do good and do things to satisfy their Lord, despite the economic and societal condition.
It is now a thing of the past that Muslims are role models in the society. Since the society has turned the wrong side, people now appoint wrong people as leaders. This has ended them regretting their actions. If Muslims who fear Allah and live according to the laid down rules of their Lord are chosen as leaders, people will once again experience good governance as seen in the Companions of the Prophet and the early scholars of Islam.
A society bereaved of Islam and the Muslims is like a weak boat on the Atlantic Ocean. You can wonder what would happen.
Muslims are role models because they have come to life to make wonders for people to see and emulate. Muslims are good example for people in all spheres of life. In terms of dressing they are modest; in dealing with people they are honest, truthful and transparent. Muslims believe that whatever they do will either count for them or against them on the Day of Resurrection. This is why Muslims must and will always be models in the society.
Muslims, no matter the conditions they find themselves will always abstain from corruption. For they know the repercussion. This is why Muslims must and will always be models in the society.
In the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) a lot of morals have been stated to guide Muslims, to be models for people in the society. There is subime example in the Muslims in their efforts to curb corruption.
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